Are the years are going by fast and midlife upon you? Time to make some changes and give your life a kickstart. Nothing like a new adventure to set your life on a new adventure. Not everyone arrives at their midlife the same. Maybe you have been raising a family, or establishing a career. While some find themselves struggling through life. A job that drains their energy and provides no other purpose than to pay the bills.
Henry David Thoreau. “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation,” he wrote in Walden in 1854
As we age we realize that time is something that cannot be bought and the years roll by all too fast. Witnessing the passing of family and close friends is routine. Our own mortality is real, and the days of our carefree youth have passed. How should we break out of the routine and mind-numbing routines of middle age? Well, it’s really easy! Midlife Adventure travel! HERE ARE 5 WAYS TO PUT SOME ADVENTURE BACK INTO YOUR LIFE! 1. BRING SOME EXCITEMENT TO YOUR TRAVEL Not everyone’s idea of exciting adventure travel is the same. There is a way for everyone to experience an adventure in their own way. Rediscover that excitement of starting something new, seeing a new place, and trying exotic new foods! The experience will be different for everyone. Find out what motivates and stirs your imagination. Let us use me as an example. My first midlife adventure travel was walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Changed the entire direction of my life. Read about it here (insert link) So what will your midlife adventure look like? 2. Breaks up that Midlife routine Are you feeling stuck or trapped in your life? Same routine every day slowly draining your energy? That soul-draining stagnation is enough to drive one insane. So let us break you out of it now! Break up that routine and some spice to your world. Add a little adventure and reap the rewards for years to come. It could even change the entire direction of your life as it did mine. Make a midlife adventure a priority! Are finances an issue? Make the changes where they are needed. That Starbucks coffee may have to be sacrificed. I know it hurts, but you will not remember that latte for the rest of your life but you will adventure. 3. New Outlook on Life Midlife adventure trips require thought and action. Stimulates the mind and infuses new thoughts and routines. While on your adventure the old day-to-day routines and concerns fade away. New ideas and priorities present themselves. Where will I eat? What will I eat? Where will I sleep? If in a foreign country from your own can you speak the language? Hopefully you can’t speak the language. I know that seems counterproductive. Nothing stimulates the mind better than trying to navigate a foreign language and culture. Pointing and butchering languages have served me well in my adventures. Enjoy all the challenges presented to you on your midlife adventure. A better person you will be on the other side. 4. Meet Interesting People in Interesting Places The challenge of midlife is that new people don’t often enter your life daily. Same people, same daily routines. Interacting with the same people in your life day after day. when was the last time you had a real conversation with someone you just meet? An adventure places you with people with similar mindsets and ideas. Instantly you will have something in common and the feeling of isolation will be greatly reduced. Group adventure travel is a great chance to meet fellow adventure travelers. Just think you all had the same idea for a trip and booked for the same exact dates! The odds alone can lead to great new friends and like-minded adventurers. 5. Empowerment The sense of empowerment from going on that midlife adventure trip can not be overstated. Making the reservations and setting aside the time is exhilarating on its own. Whether your adventure is a physical challenge like trekking thru the Himalayas. Mental challenges such as immersively learning a new language.  Or maybe just leaving your own country for the first time and seeing foreign lands and experiencing culture shock. The sense of accomplishment is intense and transformational. So prepare for your life to be different after the adventure is completed. I will leave you with this parting thought: You get one life to live. So enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.

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